Saturday, December 1, 2012

Uncanny Avengers #1

Uncanny Avengers (2012 Marvel Now) 1A

Rick Remender has become one of my favorite writers over the past few years, so when I heard about this book, I could barely contain my excitement.

Remenders writing style may not be for everyone, but I don't know if there is a more skilled writer in my opinion. Reading this issue I made sure to pay attention to every word written, as Remender is known for writing long form stories and seeding things throughout his run. 

Havok has always been one of my favorites and I'm glad to see him getting a bit more of the spotlight. The conversation with both Cyclops and Captain America rang true to the character and the animosity Rogue felt towards the Scarlet Witch was perfectly written. The Red Skull actually comes off as scary to me for the first time. Though the credit for the last page goes mostly to John Cassaday, I can't help but feel like it was all Remender and his twisted mind.

John Cassady came out of semi retirement for this book and I couldn't be happier. He is an iconic artist and his pencils in this issue should remind everyone why

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